Mini-tabs dosage accuracy...
Are you gambling with patient safety?

A guide to achieving certainty with weight control and analysis challenges in R&D and production

Mini-tabs eBook

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Mini-tabs are challenging quality control norms in pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing

Although mini-tablets (also known as micro-tablets or mini-tabs) are manufactured using the same proven processes as larger tablets, their size and weight introduce unique and substantial challenges in quality control during both R&D and manufacture. Their absolute weight verses relative weight variation requires much tighter tolerances to ensure uniformity and dosage accuracy.

Both manual and automated weighing operations become significantly more difficult, while increased friability, static build-up and relative coating weight all mean that new weight control approaches are required.

The tolerances for weight variability in mini-tabs are much less than for larger tablets. Small differences in absolute weight mean larger relative variations in potency.

Weight Control Information

Individual weight Precision required for ±5% weight control
7mg mini-tab ±0.35mg
20mg mini-tab ±1.00mg
300mg mini-tab ±15.00mg

We can help you weigh and analyse mini-tabs with exceptional accuracy, every single time

Contact us for an onsite technical consultation

The only dedicated mini-tabs weight control solution on the market

R&D and production teams can overcome these challenges by implementing more frequent, automated and in-process batch monitoring with precision weight sorters. Our dedicated mini-tab solution provides 100% sorting of whole batches with accuracy and repeatability that is unbeatable by other automated solutions, while remaining resilient to fragments, dust and static. It is the only solution on the market that can meet all of these challenges and provide the flexibility to weight sort other solid dosage forms.


Over six times the accuracy

Standard repeatability

± 2mg

CI Precision’s dedicated mini-tabs solution

± 0.3mg

Have complete confidence in your mini-tab quality control processes

CI Precision supplies weight sorters for use in R&D, clinical trials and production. Our machines eliminate the potential wastage of small sample or average weight approaches to quality control.

Combining accuracy and speed, resilience and flexibility, they minimise unnecessary batch rejections, and save time and costs, delivering rapid ROI. Our weighing solutions also supply detailed, error-free data and audit trails to streamline compliance for researchers and manufacturers.