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Is manual weighing putting your production quality and compliance at risk or impacting your R&D outcomes? Are you experiencing delays in clinical trials causing lost revenue and patent time? Or are you wasting valuable dosages through rejected batches? If you use automatic check weighing, can you accurately weight sort all solid dosage forms: tablets, capsules, soft-gels, mini-tablets AND implants?

Our precision weight sorting solutions operate with exceptional accuracy, speed and flexibility. Eliminating the need for manual weighing, enabling automated lab workflows, improving quality control efficiencies and recovering rejected batches.

To find a solution to your production and quality control challenges, simply complete the form below and we’ll call to discuss an onsite technical audit, with one of our implementation experts.

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Learn more about our weight sorter support services

We offer comprehensive lifetime support services to give you the support you need to keep your weight sorters running consistently, accurately and economically year after year.


Download the SADE SP weight sorter brochure

Learn more about our range of SP weight sorters — the only range that can meet every weight sorting requirement from R&D through to clinical trials and full-scale manufacturing.


5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Checkweigher Supplier

Selecting the right partner is as important as choosing the right checkweigher. A checkweigher supplier..

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